

(As of 2021/YoY)
*2020 Is based on data from each company before merger

HR operation status

Category Female employee ratio Employment quota for persons with disabilities Employment of temporary workers
2020 10.1% 2.8% 4.8%
2021 10.4% 3.2% 3.0%

Employee training

Safety/Health Protection of human rights Fair trade/Anti-corruption
Industrial safety and health training Workplace harassment prevention/sexual harassment prevention Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act business and ethical management training
For all employees For all employees For all employees

Communication with stakeholders for co-existence

Employee Contractors/Partners Local communities
Grievance committee

Ethical management reporting system

Workplace harassment/Sexual harassment reporting system
Ethical management reporting system Establishment of regular communication channels
with 16 local community organizations

7 Existing local community organizations
New 9 local community organizations

Social contribution for sharing

social contribution program Amount of social contribution Ratio within sales
of Aekyung Chemical
14 2.9million (+0.7million) 0.03% (+0.01%p)