Fair trade/Anti-corruption
Aekyung employees pursue to build a company that creates rich and joyful life to contribute to society through forward thinking, technology, and management based on love and respect. The company hereby establishes the ethics charter as follows as the standards to fulfill corporate social responsibilities and inherent role in society.
- Respect legal and social standards and do not engage in illegal or corrupt behavior.
- Prioritize trust of customers and strive for joy of customers.
- Respect the rights of shareholders and improve corporate value through transparent and efficient management.
- Respect diversity and do not discriminate employees and trust and cooperate with each other.
- Respect the principles of fair trade and pursue establishment of healthy market order and value of co-existence.
- Faithfully fulfill social roles and responsibilities required as a member of society.
Aekyung employees shall strive for mutual growth and development with all affiliates by improving corporate value through progressive and efficient management activities, and faithfully fulfill their duties and responsibilities to become a trusted enterprise. We shall respect all domestic and foreign laws and market order to lead the charge in establishing order of fair trade, and respect social values and customs, and contribute to national and societal development through various social contribution activities. Subsequently, we shall hereby establish and actively fulfill the following code of ethics to create a healthy and fair corporate culture.
Duty of legal compliance

1. Compliance with domestic and foreign laws
- We shall comply with the law as members of a nation and local community.
2. Effort to prevent corruption
- We shall make effort to monitor and prevent corruption.
3. Prohibited use of inside information
- Employees shall not use inside information obtained through work to trade stocks, etc.
- Employees shall not provide any undisclosed critical information that may impact stock price against legal procedure to third parties.
4. Protection of company property and critical information
- Employees shall protect physical properties, intellectual property rights, trade secrets, etc. of the company, and shall not use company properties, trade secrets, etc. for personal reasons.
- Employees shall not engage in pursuit of personal benefits using their positions or unfair trade using non-disclosed information obtained from the company.
- Employees shall not divulge any critical information that may have impact on company profits.
5. Prevention of sexual harassment
- Employees shall not engage in any language or behavior that may harm healthy peer relationships including any physical, lingual, or visual language and behavior that are acknowledged to cause sexual humiliation.
6. Prohibition of receiving money, valuables, and hospitality
- Employees shall not receive any money, valuables, or hospitality from clients and other stakeholders.
- Employees shall not provide any money, valuables, or hospitality to clients and other stakeholders regarding company affairs outside of the social norms.
- Employees shall not accept any money, valuables, or hospitality between each other.
Attitude towards customers

1. Maintaining trust with customers
- We shall always think and act from customer's perspective, and provide the best product and service that can satisfy and be trusted by customers to achieve customer satisfaction.
- We shall provide accurate information regarding products, services, etc. to customers and do not advertise or promote excessively.
2. Pursuit of customer happiness
- We shall protect customer's profits, safety, and personal information, and not engage in any unfair behavior against customers.
Attitude towards shareholders

1. Respecting shareholder rights
- We shall protect the rights of shareholders and respect the fair demands and suggestions from shareholders.
- We shall faithfully disclose management information to establish mutual trust with shareholders and investors and strive to increase shareholder profits.
2. Equal treatment
- We shall treat all shareholders including minority shareholders fairly and equally.
- We shall not infringe on shareholder profits or rights when making management decisions.
3. Active provision of information
- We shall record and manage accounting data according to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to provide transparent financial status and management performance.
- We shall provide accurate management information on timely basis pursuant to relevant laws for investors and other information users to be able to make rational investment decisions.
Attitude towards employees

1. Fair treatment
- The company shall not discriminate employees and grant fair opportunities based on their abilities and qualifications.
- The company shall fairly evaluate and compensate employees based on evaluation criteria regarding their abilities, qualifications, performance, etc.
2. Building a working environment
- The company shall strive to build a healthy and safe working environment for employees.
- The company shall respect the autonomy and creativity of individual employees, and grant fair opportunities for individual employees to improve their abilities to support talent development and self-realization.
- The company shall respect independent personalities and basic human rights of employees, and build an environment where employees can freely make suggestions and proposals.
Attitude towards
competitors and partners

1. Fair competition with competitors
- The company shall respect the order of fair and free market economy according to the principles of free competition, and compete fairly against competitors.
- The company shall respect the order of fair trade and comply with laws relevant to fair trade.
2. Fair trade with partner companies
- The company shall establish mutual trust and cooperative relationships through fair trade with partner companies to pursue mutual development.
- The company shall not engage in any form of coercion or exercise of influence against partner companies using it superior position.
Basic ethics of employees

1. Settlement of healthy corporate culture
- Employees shall share the management philosophy of the company and empathize with the goals and values pursued by the company to faithfully fulfill their assigned duties pursuant to company work policies.
- Employees shall build an organizational culture based on effective communication and mutual trust between superiors and subordinates and peers within the company.
- Employees shall strive to fulfill their duties through fair methods and comply with all laws relevant to work and company regulations.
2. Prohibition of behavior with conflict of interests
- Employees shall strive not to engage in any behavior or relationship with conflict of interests against the company, or unfairly engage in the affairs of another department, or engage in behavior of brokering illegal or unfair trade.
3. Prohibition of political involvement
- Employees shall not engage in political activities during work hours within the company and not utilize the organization, manpower, or property of the company for political reasons.
- Political rights and opinions of individual employees are respected, but employees shall not cause any misunderstanding involving the company due to their individual political opinion or involvement.
4. Compliance with code of ethics
- All employees shall faithfully comply with the code of ethics and be responsible for any acts of violation.
- Upon being coerced to engage in behavior against the code of ethics or recognizing unfair behavior, employees shall report such matters to the department in charge of code of ethics.
- Employees shall prevent recurrence of violation against code of ethics through strict cause investigation and training upon violation.
Types of reporting

The types of reporting refer to all behavior in violation of the code of ethics including corruption and unethical behavior related to employees of Aekyung Chemical and behavior detrimental to healthy corporate culture along with proposals to improve irrational customs.
However, slander without factual basis and matters related to privacy of individuals irrelevant to work will not be processed.

The reported details are processed strictly confidential, and launching an investigation is determined through the preliminary procedure including verification from the relevant department under the principles of informant identity protection.
Upon finalization to launch an investigation, the company verifies the facts of the reported details through securing objective evidence and in-depth investigation, and proceed with follow-up measures pursuant to internal regulations.
The process results are reported to the informant aside from instances where just rights and profits of the company are infringed upon when requested by the informant.
Informant protection

The company does not expose the identity of the informant or disclose any information implicating the informant without their consent. Also, the informants will not be subject to any disadvantages or discriminations as a result of making a report. Any disadvantages resulting from making a report can be reported to Aekyung Chemical's department in charge of ethics, and the department in charge of ethics shall take all measures to prevent such disadvantages from recurring.
Also, the company has a corporate leniency program where the company considers mitigating circumstances to reduce sanctions against the informant when the informant makes a report on their own corruption or unethical behavior.
The company receives any reports on corruption and unethical behavior related to Aekyung Chemical, and behavior detrimental to healthy corporate culture.
The details reported to Aekyung Chemical will be strictly kept confidential along with the identity of the informant, and the process results will be reported to the informant aside
from instances where just rights and profits of the company are infringed upon when requested by the informant.
The company operates various programs to maintain corruption-free organizational culture and prevent corruption to assist employees in making the right decisions.
The company utilizes various cases to uphold key principles including purpose of domestic and foreign laws relevant to anti-corruption and their scope of application, and will strive to naturally develop corruption-free mindset for all employees.
Training details : Anti-corruption management training, fair trade business curriculum
Training method : Consideration of job relevance, group training and online lectures
Subject : All employees of Aekyung Chemical
Training cycle : Mandatory training completion once per year