
Social contribution activities

지역사회와 상생, 지속가능한 환경 보전, 다양성을 포용하고 후원
사회공헌활동 프로그램
  • 썸네일 이미지

    Neighborhood Love' for local communities for each business establishment at the end of the year

    Donation of household supplies to neighbors that need assistance from local communities where major business establishments of Aekyung Chemical are located
    Seoul Mapo-gu Office 715 Sets of electric heated mattes / Ulsan Nam-gu Office · Daejeon Yuseong-gu Office · Chungnam Cheongyang-gun Office
    Donation of 400 sets of household supplies from Aekyung Industrial to each office
  • 썸네일 이미지

    'Sharing Rice of Love' for children and elderlies in local communities

    Purchase of fall harvest grain in Ulsan and donation of 238 bags of rice (20kg) to church/study rooms in Guro, Seoul
    Employees directly delivering rice to multi-cultural families, study rooms for children, elderlies living alone, etc.
    This program has continued for about 20 years since 2003 and 130 tons of rice was donated in total.
  • 썸네일 이미지

    Sponsorship for hospital development fund for people's health and medical advancement

    200 Million won total for hospital development funds (100 million won each for Samsung Medical Center/Asan Medical Center) and
    regular sponsorships every year since 2017

가로로 스크롤 하여 보실 수 있습니다.

Category Goods Cash Total
Donation (million won) 90 200 290
Ratio (%) 31.0 69.0 100
  • Seoul Mapo-gu Office
  • Daejeon Yuseong-gu Office
  • Ulsan Nam-gu Office
  • Chungnam Cheongyang-gun Office
  • Guru-dong Study Room
  • Guro 2/3-dong Catholic Church
  • Ansan Vincent's Clinic
  • Samsung Medical Center
  • Asan Medical Center