
Complaint processing process

We share the customer complaint with the relevant department based on the consumer dispute resolution standards announce
by the Fair Trade Commission to continuously manage such claims being made again in the future.

가로로 스크롤 하여 보실 수 있습니다.

Scope of application

This shall apply to all customer claims for products manufactured at Ulsan/Cheongyang/Jeonju/Daejeon Factory of Aekyung Chemical.

고객 클레임 발생

Customer claim filed

접수 및 관련부서 공유

Receive claim and share with relevant department

상황 및 원인 파악

Determine situation and cause

재발방지 대책 수립

Establish plan to prevent recurrence

고객사 합의

Negotiate with customer

완료 및 후속조치

Completion and follow-up measures


The company is working to build trust with customers by cooperating with relevant departments when there are customer claims to promptly determine cause and establish plans to prevent recurrence pursuant to the company's claim and complaint processing regulations.