
Composition of shareholders

(As of December 31, 2021)

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Shareholder type Number of shares Ownership
Majority shareholder and affiliates 32,260,411 66.31%
Majority shareholder(MGC) 2,570,400 5.28%
Treasury stock 476,432 0.98%
Other (minority shareholders) 13,341,466 27.68%
Total 48,648,709 100.0%

Status of majority shareholder and affiliates

(unit: shares)

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Name of shareholder Category Number of shares Ratio
AK Holdings Majority shareholder 29,336,590 60.30%
Subtotal 29,336,590 60.30%

※ Executive ownership status excluded

Status of exercise of voting rights at regular general meeting of shareholders

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Date : March 28, 2022 (Mon) Unit Remark
Number of total outstanding shares 48,648,709 shares
Number of shares with voting rights 48,172,277 shares
Number of shares held by shareholders in attendance 35,924,549 shares 74.58% of the number of shares with voting rights
Number of shares held by shareholders in attendance excluding the majority shareholder and affiliates 5,649,771 shares AK Holdings
Total number of shareholders 17,235 people
Number of shareholders in attendance 225 people

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Number of shares with voting rights (footnote) Number of shares held by shareholders in attendance (footnote) Number of shares in agreement (footnote) Number of shares in opposition (footnote)
Agenda 1 48,172,277 Case of approval for the financial statements and consolidated financial statements for the 10th period: Substituted with approval by the board of directors
Agenda 2 48,172,277 35,924,549 35,633,741 290,808
Agenda 3 48,172,277 35,924,549 35,612,594 311,955
Agenda 4-1 48,172,277 35,924,549 35,614,963 309,586
Agenda 4-2 48,172,277 35,924,549 35,615,448 309,101
Agenda 4-3 48,172,277 35,924,549 35,617,236 307,313
Agenda 5 18,217,435 5,969,707 5,664,585 305,122
Agenda 6-1 18,217,435 5,969,707 5,664,585 305,122
Agenda 6-2 18,217,435 5,969,707 5,657,395 312,312
Agenda 7 48,172,277 35,924,549 35,566,671 357,878
Agenda 8 48,172,277 35,924,549 34,526,055 1,398,494
Agenda 9 48,172,277 35,924,549 35,577,302 347,247
Agenda 10 48,172,277 35,924,549 35,557,927 366,622