
Environmental accident response system

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Operation of safety committee Exemplary 5S activities (once per week)
  • Cycle: Daily, Agent: Management supervisor, Details Improvement of potential hazard factors in the field
  • Details: Negotiations on accident prevention activities for hazardous substance exposure, fire, explosion, etc.
  • Participants: Safety and health management supervisor, team leaders, safety and environment team, safety manager, partner representatives
소방시설 노후 교체 및 자동화 공사
  • Cycle: Once per week, Agent: All employees, Details: Field clean up
  • Performance: 150 Cases total

솔선수범 5S활동
Visual safety for prevention of fall accidents Safety accident prevention campaign
  • Display of standard mobile scaffolds and promotion of fall accident prevention rules

추락재해 예방 Visual Safety
  • Safety accident prevention campaign: Once per quarter (Prime contractor + Partner (Subcontractor) representatives)
  • Placard production and installation: EHS promotion purposes (Replacement: Once per quarter)
안전사고 예방 캠페인
Replacement and automation of deteriorating firefighting facilities Reinforcement of officer safety patrol/Operation of electronic patrol system (Twice per day)
  • Performance: Execution of replacement and automation of deteriorating firefighting facilities at Cheongyang Factory 1
  • Key details: Installation of detector cross-circuits and replacement of deluge valves
소방시설 노후 교체 및 자동화 공사
  • Officer safety patrol cycle: Twice per day
  • Patrol area: 79 Locations total
간부안전순찰 강화/전자순찰시스템 운영(2회/일)
Emergency response training (18 times total) VFS [Valve, flange, switch] campaign
  • Agent: All employees, Details: Initial response upon accidents, establishment of mutual cooperation system,
  • Performance: 18 Times total
비상사태 대응 훈련(총 18회)
  • Schedule: August 5, 2021, Agent: Plant manager + Team leaders
  • Details: Close promotion of valves, flanges, switches, etc. within the plant and attachment of stickers
밸프스 [밸브, 플랜지, 스위치] 캠페인