
Disclosure of environmental information

Monitoring of green impact assessment (once every 3 years)
and GMS index (once per year)

<ISO 14001 environmental management system certification>

Establish plan

  • The head of the supervising department establishes targets, scope, and schedule every three years
  • Appoint green impact evaluators (ISO promotion assistant administrators) for each department to conduct green impact assessments

Review green impact assessment

  • Send materials prepared by green impact evaluators to the supervising department for review
  • Request from the applicable department if correction is necessary after reviewing the following three matters:
  • Omission of environmental aspects, environmental impact, etc. related to products, activities, and services of each department
  • Appropriateness of levels applied according to evaluation criteria
  • Consideration of environmental laws, environmental policies, opinions of stakeholders, etc.

Approve evaluation chart

  • Approval of the green impact assessment chart by the head of the supervising department after completion of review and correction of the green impact assessment chart

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Sortation Water (Ton) Energy (TOE) Waste (Ton)
19' 20' 21' 22'
19' 20' 21' 22'
19' 20' 21' 22'
Goals Performance Goals Performance Goals Performance
Ulsan Factory 1,285,939 1,184,731 1,149,189 1,464,335 1,420,405 31,562 33,730 32,718 36,581 35,484 8,729 8,809 8,545 8,852 8,586
Cheongyang Factory 1 64,417 57,944 56,206 58,066 56,324 5,821 6,432 6,239 6,258 5,905 913 1,159 1,124 1,301 1,262
Cheongyang Factory 2 145,500 137,687 133,556 151,211 146,675 5,577 5,135 4,981 6,055 5,843 913 926 898 1,351 1,310
Headquarters, etc. 36,298 33,305 32,306 31,550 30,604 2,104 2,086 2,023 1,090 1,057 272 208 202 200 194
Total 1,532,154 1,413,667 1,371,257 1,705,162 1,654,008 45,064 47,383 45,961 49,984 48,289 10,827 11,102 10,769 11,704 11,352

You can scroll horizontally.

Sortation Greenhouse gas (tCO2eq) Air pollutant emission (Ton) Water pollutant emission (Ton)
19' 20' 21' 22'
19' 20' 21' 22'
19' 20' 21' 22'
Goals Performance Goals Performance Goals Performance
Ulsan Factory 150,364 141,892 137,635 156,491 157,348 8,160 421 408 19,546 18,960 9,696 22,080 21,418 9,262 8,984
Cheongyang Factory 1 12,485 13,845 13,430 13,353 12,600 17 10 10 6 6 32,140 25,415 24,653 32,061 31,099
Cheongyang Factory 2 11,364 10,436 10,123 12,436 12,000 1,649 7,496 7,271 5,288 5,129 88,111 74,440 72,207 81,683 79,233
Headquarters, etc. 4,306 4,242 4,115 4,960 4,811 6,026 4,294 4,165 7,390 7,168 443 652 632 340 330
Total 178,519 170,415 165,303 187,240 186,759 15,852 12,221 11,854 32,230 31,263 130,390 122,587 118,910 123,346 119,646