Management of Pollution substances
Aekyung Chemical has substituted the bunker oil with LNG in an effort to reduce emission of major air pollutants including SOx and dust,
and is continuing the efforts to reduce air pollution by using waste heat, generating and re-using steam, etc.

Cheongyang Factory LNG storage
1)Air pollutant emission is the self-measured emission reported to SEMS (Stack emission management system), and the emission was measured starting in 2021 due to the obligation of measurement of facilities exempt from self-measurement pursuant to the amendment of the Clean Air Conservation Act and 19,546kg was additionally reflected.
Aekyung Chemical Ulsan and Cheongyang Factories are discharging the waste water to the waste water sewage treatment plant after primary treatment. Also, the company is continuing its suggestion activities and campaigns involving all employees to reduce amount of waste water generated, and operating training programs, etc. to improve operating capabilities to reduce emission of pollutants.

Ulsan Factory Waste Water Treatment Plant
Aekyung Chemical has expanded the waste gas incineration facilities and continued to invest in fuel conversion and
high-efficiency equipment to sustain its efforts to reduce emission of greenhouse gas.

Cheongyang Factory Air Pollution Prevention Facility
Our business establishments are making efforts to comply with the Waste Control Act and generated wastes are being incinerated or being entrusted legally to outside contractors for disposal.
Also, the company is discovering recycling companies rather than opting for incineration and landfill companies for waste disposal to minimize environmental pollution.