
Environmental management goals / performance

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목표: 지속 가능한 미래, 중점과제 : EHS 시스템 운영 내실화 & 최적화, EHS 문화정착으로 자율안전체계 확립, 안전하고 건강한 작업장 조성, 협력업체와의 공생 안전관리. 주요항목/달성방안 : EHS 경영시스템 내실화, EHS 문화정착, 예방점검 및 건강증진, 공생 협력관계 강화
The roles and responsibilities of corporations regarding global environmental pollutant emission,
energy consumption increase, and subsequent climate change have become more important.
Aekyung Chemical is taking companywide measures to reduce global greenhouse gas emission and minimize environmental impact. The EHS Committee is leading the charge in presenting key agendas related to environment and health to the monthly management meetings for prompt decision making and task execution to fulfill minimization of air pollutants, management of chemical substances, management of greenhouse gas emission, recycling of wastes, use of regenerative drums, etc. throughout our business activities.
As a result of such efforts, Aekyung Chemical has been certified for ISO 14001 for its environmental management system by the Korean Standards Association (KSA).

Environmental management investment plan and execution status

(unit: million won)

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Sortation 2019 2020 2021 2022(Schedule)
Plan 8,000 9,000 20,070 27,166
Investment 5,508 6,560 21,047
Fulfillment rate 68.9% 72.9% 104.9%
  • Substitution of aeration tank diffusers
  • Zero asbestos within factory policy
  • Installation of pipe chemical substance leak detection systems
  • RTO installation, etc.
  • Factory floor construction
  • Waste water treatment plant cover construction
  • 2 Units of waste gas incineration facilities
  • Installation of gas detectors
  • Implementation of thermal imaging cameras, etc.
  • Renewal of power equipment
  • Replacement of worn foam tanks
  • Installation of atmospheric TMS, etc.
  • Firefighting construction for control room and MCC room
  • Waste water treatment plant cover construction
  • Improvement of research laboratory ventilation system, etc.